The past cold winter months have been a doozy on my complexion and have made me feel less than cute. I mainly blame the lack of sunshine on my skin and how pale I also get during the winter! It’s…
My MEGA EFFECTIVE Over 40 Skincare Routine + Products That Work!
It has been a MINUTE since I’ve written a blog post. I’ve truly missed the ability to be able to JUST SIT down and type out a post. But life has been insanely busy and blogging obviously was the part…
Effective Ways To Keep Crow’s Feet At Bay Under $100 (Without Injectables)
Before I begin this post, I want to make it clear that I am not opposed to getting older. In fact, I have really embraced the idea of aging after I turned 40 a couple of years ago. It’s a…
My 6 Step Quarantine Skincare Routine With Powerful Products All Under $50
MY MULTI-LAYERED SKINCARE ROUTINE at 42 years old. This has been a highly requested topic I’ve been personally asked to address for awhile now. Aaaand skincare just seems to be a big topic in general during this whole quarantine situation….