So maybe you weren’t born with Maleficent style cheekbones (ode to a potential Halloween costume!), no fear. You can get something similar, without being quite as severe (did I just accidentally rhyme?), with these 3 simple steps and products. …
5 Simple Changes You Can Make To Update Your Look
We all get in beauty, hair, and clothing ruts. It’s a fact of life. We are human. We get comfortable with things that are working for us (or so we think) and so we continue to repeat those things over,…
I HEART These Makeup Products
Even as a makeup artist who loves loves switching up my look daily, I still have my absolute favorite products that I fall back on when I don’t know what else to paint my face with. Here are my current…
I Sleep Better Thanks To Modern Mom Website
I am a proud, mother of 3 beautiful children under the age of 5. I mention them a lot and show them in my blog quite a bit, and that’s because 1. I’m proud of them and 2. they all…