You shouldn’t be embarrassed, everybody has one every now and then, everybody…A BAD HAIR DAY!! {Poor poor Helena Bonham Carter and her bad hair day.} Ok, we all know that Helena probably isn’t having a bad hair day in…
Bangs Before Botox
I have forehead wrinkles at the age of 34. Big ones. They are progressively getting deeper despite my efforts of using multiple creams, serums, and primers daily. I’m not too proud to admit that I desperately want Botox one day….
The Power Of The Sock Bun
Sometimes a girl with long hair and three kids (which = no time on her hands) just needs a quick and easy but sophisticated hair do, all wrapped up in one. Not too much to ask right?? Right. In walks…
Easy Breezy Grecian Braid
I get in ruts with my hair style like some women get in ruts with their makeup, and wear the same look all day, every day. Hair is just not my thing, and I don’t have much of a “vision”…
I Don’t Have Time For Hair
In getting ready on a daily basis with three children to tend to, I am starting to realize I must choose between -Hair OR Makeup- obviously, makeup wins out. Here’s me rockin a hat and a side ponytail-yes, I did…