Well the Christmas season is officially over but I must say I sure did enjoy it while it lasted and all good things must come to an end, right?! I’ve been so busy getting prepared for the big day and…
I Love New York, But There’s No Place Like Home
Hey ya’ll. Please Stand By for some more pictures from our last day in NYC. It was a looooong day yesterday leaving the bustling city of New York and sitting for hours in the Newark airport…with two small children under…
Ultimate Christmas Experience in NYC
Well if I thought yesterday was fun and exhausting traveling into New York for the first time with my two kids, I was wrong. TODAY was more fun, yet more exhausting, because we had the whole day to tour NYC…
Memorable First Day in NYC
My first family trip, ALL four of us, to the big apple (New York City) has been a memorable day to say the least. We caught the last flight out of Atlanta going to New York this morning because of…
Triple Take :: Sienna Miller and Cheryl Tiegs and Becki Newton
I stumbled across this really pretty picture of actress Sienna Miller (top picture) and IMMEDIATELY thought of two other celebs she reminded me of. Former supermodel Cheryl Tiegs (below) and Ugly Betty actress, Becki Newton (small pic on right). It’s…