As a mom of 3, I don’t always feel as “edgy” and “hip” as I’d like to most of the time. We watch a lot more Disney Channel than MTV in my house. But after receiving a batch of beautiful…
Beauty School
{Vivian ‘schooling’ me in the art of the fish face. Hers is better than mine.} *If you follow me on Instagram, you already saw this!* I am always learning. Everyday, about EVERYTHING. I would never consider myself a know-it-all when…
Two Underrated Eye Makeup Techniques
Picture this. Your morning eye makeup routine consists of one neutral shadow color that you quickly swipe on from lash line to crease and then you apply some mascara. Done, that’s it. Nothing special. Sound like you? Do you wish…
Berry Beautiful
When I think of the most flattering berry shades, I think blackberries and raspberries. They’re yummy and delicious, so why wouldn’t they look yummy and delicious on my face?! Products used: bh Cosmetics 120 shadow palette 5th edition tarte “flush”…
The Basics Of Base
Back in the mid 1500’s Queen Elizabeth I was known to have painted her face with a mixture of white lead (poisonous mind you), egg, powdered eggshells, poppy seed, and vinegar a couple inches thick to cover up a case of…