I mentioned in yesterday’s post that one of my spring essentials was going to be WHITE NAIL POLISH, so I went ahead and practiced what I preached. Although I don’t quite have the spring/summer tan I’d like to be sporting…
5 Must Have Spring Beauty Essentials
I think I can safely say, that spring has finally SPRUNG here in Georgia (crossing fingers no more cold snaps!) And that means it’s time to welcome in some new beauty products, but also bust out some trusty oldies for…
First Haircut
Vivian just got her first legit haircut in 3.5 years of life. I have been reluctant to let scissors touch her hair because I have realized from experience with my two boys, once their hair was cut for the first…
Monday Beauty Mantra
“When I went to school they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘HAPPY.’ They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand LIFE” Quote from John…
Get Amy Adams American Hustle Look
I recently got around to watching the blockbuster movie American Hustle and was mesmerized. The storyline and plot were of course really good, but it was the HAIR & MAKEUP donned by Golden Globe winner Amy Adams, that made me…