- putting all of my energy into the things and people that truly make me happy in my life.
- since the years seem to be passing by at lightening speed, I want to do better at letting the negative stuff roll off my back (which I’m not that great at now!) and not spending so much precious time worrying about things out of my control.
- my kids are growing like weeds and I want to soak in them being little, but also how cool they are becoming as they get older and their personalities evolve. I want to nurture that and how different they are.
- being bolder in work and in blogging. take more risks.
- eat more vegetables and involve my kids in eating them too. I need to set by example with my diet about healthy eating.
- use my gym membership more. this past month I worked about maybe once. I don’t have a specific goal weight, I just want to feel better and more energized which comes from more sweating and less sitting.
- get that second tattoo I’ve been wanting.
- reminding my family members, close friends, children, and my husband daily how much I appreciate and love them, even if I’m having a bad day.
- declutter my house. I have a lot of “stuff” I just don’t need. I need to simplify.
- being more honest and open. with myself, and those around me.
- laugh more.