While at the beach I must admit that I do keep my makeup to more of a minimum than usual. I’m not saying I don’t wear it all – that would be blasphemy – however I do keep it a bit more subdued, due to the extreme heat here in the Southeast!
One of my fav colors to wear on my eyes during the summer time is gold. This color pops really beautifully for all eye colors and is an immediate eye brightener!
One shadow product that stays on like a champ in this heat and humidity is a product I’ve talked about before, but deserves to be spoken about again for its staying power.
The eyeshadow duo I’m speaking of is tarte’s “lock & roll” in color rose gold ($17). The lock & roll is a wand that is double sided with a cream version of color on one side and a loose powder version on the other. You can see the cream only swipe on the left in this picture and the loose powder I’ve added on top of the cream on the right swipe which makes the color a bit more vivid.
JennySue Tip:: The trick to using this wand is to apply it from the wand onto the eye then to use your finger to press the product into the skin and to soften the edges.
This layering truly helps the staying power. I put this stuff on around 4pm and it survived an hour at the park running after my boys and through a nice long dinner at a yummy kid friendly restaurant-which all moms know, is anything but relaxing;-) The last picture is of me before the dinner came to an end, and yea!, I made it with no food being thrown into my hair-the floor however did not fair so well!