This is a mantra I need to constantly work on remembering. I have been known to wish away the 3 year old (and sometimes 5 year old!) temper tantrums, wish that my 9 year old house had drapes and rugs in rooms that still aren’t decorated the way I want, and complaining about how out of shape I feel. Well one day when I have a teenage daughter and sons who want to ignore me completely at times, I’ll probably want those quick spurts of temper tantrums that usually end up with hugs 15 minutes later because they completely forgot what the tantrum was about! And this house I live in, is where all 3 of my kids were born which means more than the way it’s currently decorated. Feeling out of shape? Well, I’m only 36 years old so I’ve probably got more potential energy and ability to start working out harder than I will years down the road! There’s no time like the present when it comes to getting into shape…at any age.
The photo above is actually a couple of months old and I took it while we were exploring the park and Vivian was fascinated with the ducks. In all honesty, I don’t do enough of this with her or the other two because I seem so consumed with keeping my freelance makeup business thriving or consistently blogging and keeping up with social media. If I were to really put this mantra into action, I would soak up more moments playing with my kids or starting a new hobby, than say wasting countless hours on Facebook seeing what everyone else is doing (I’ve actually gotten a lot better and moving away from FB – Twitter is where I waste most of my time!!).
From now on I’m going to appreciate my small children because they will get older. I will appreciate my lack of wrinkles on my face and the few gray hairs I have right now because I know they’ll both only get worse. And I will appreciate my workload where it is today because I still have the flexibility to be at home with my kids and to work around their schedules and extra curricular activities.
Happy start of the week to you! What are you currently appreciative for?