If you are a regular follower of my blog, you’ve heard me mention that the downstairs of my house was flooded exactly two weeks ago due to a running toilet…and it’s still not back to normal. It has truly amazed me how much damage a small half bathroom toilet can do to a home in terms of water damage. And although I thought that at this point my house would be on the upswing in terms of being fixed, it actually looks even WORSE than it did the night we got home and saw the flood waters!
I guess I would compare reconstruction time to someone who needs a nose job and you have to break the nose before you can make it beautiful. In a sense you have to make it worse before you can make it better!! HA!! My 3 kids and I (who are handling this whole demolition of our home a lot better than I am- kids are way more resilient than adults I am finding out) are stuck hanging out in our one room upstairs while all of the downstairs floors are ripped out, put back in, and walls repainted- imagine putting 3 wild alligators in a bathroom stall and entertaining them there for two weeks- sounds fun huh???
Needless to say, there hasn’t been a lot of time to blog, much less put on makeup, so y’all just bear with me and know I’m thinking up some good stuff to post once all of this maddness and workers are out of my house!! My creativity has been null and void due to all of the chaos ensuing in my home life- I wish I could pretend it hasn’t, but I wouldn’t be being truthful to all my readers!! Hey I’m human, things bug me!! I promise to have a brand new appreciation for my home and the freedom my downstairs allows me once everything is fixed.
It has been a test to my patience but I’m trying to channel the popular sayings, “Keep Calm and Carry On” and “This too shall pass.” Because if I don’t, I just might end up looking like poor Beaker from The Muppets…