The old saying goes, “two’s a company, three’s a crowd.” I disagree. Crowd has such a negative feeling to it, and now that I have been BLESSED to have 3 healthy little ones, there is absolutely nothing negative about that!! My daughter was born this Sunday, Vivian James Duvall, and she is a beautiful tiny angel.
Albert Einstein said, “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as if everything is.”
I love this way of thinking. Because I believe my daughter is a true miracle, as all babies and children are. Every time I look at my little Vivian, I can’t believe she was in my belly for 9 months and that now she has made me a mom again. It’s heavy stuff if you think really hard about pregnancy and giving birth! If you believe in miracles, then you are lucky, because that means you are looking at things in a positive light and totally appreciating whatever it is you believe to be your miracle. This equals a good outlook on life and people probably enjoy being around you with this kind of attitude!
I believe babies bring out the best in most people and this time was no different for me. I have been showered with visits from friends, neighbors, family and gifts galore for little Viv while in the hospital. This is a time I won’t ever forget and shows me how much my family is truly loved. The visits from people, phone calls, and well wishes warm my heart and make me realize that with such a wonderful support system we have around us, that YES WE CAN raise this group of 3!!
So I feel that in my new situation, “Two’s company, Three’s a FAMILY!”