My typical blog consists of how to look like so and so, what products to use to enable you to look like so and so, and what so and so celebrity is looking fabulous in the present.
Well, I want to take a slightly different approach today. Instead of focusing on how to look like someone else (usually a celebrity of your choice), why not try to look like a better version of you?? I always say when working with clients, that I want them to “look like a more beautiful version of their natural self.” Not like someone totally different, I like to work with what God gave us as women.
Honestly, everyone has features about their face that maybe they don’t like so much, which is totally normal and completely okay. But instead of dwelling on what you don’t like about your face, let’s switch the focus onto what you do like and embrace whatever it is that is making you unique and play that part up! I guarantee your unique features make you more memorable than your normal cookie cutter parts.
Case in point – celebrities like actress Sarah Jessica Parker and supermodel Giselle Bunchen. Both of these women are extremely well known and both of these women are not typical beauties. Their noses are unique and make them memorable and make them normal! SJP is an amazing fashion icon and plays up her style as part of her persona. Giselle books tons of clothing contracts and Victoria’s Secret work by playing up her rockin’ model body and keeping it in shape. So you don’t see either of them crying a river over their not-so-perfect noses, they’ve got other attributes to celebrate.
And what about Madonna or Lauren Hutton’s gap-tooth smiles? Neither one of these women ran to the orthodontist to fix their teeth, they embraced their spaces! Lauren went on to buck the system by becoming a world famous supermodel and Madonna sings her heart out and changes her look like I change lipgloss to keep people interested and buying her music. And guess what…both women are super famous and well known for being themselves and not apologizing for anything about their looks.
So no product reviews or how to’s today – but I hope everyone takes a good look inside themselves and changes their focus to love whatever it is that makes them unique. Because their is no specific formula for what makes someone beautiful, so work with what your mama gave you and rejoice in being you!!